DBT Source automation

Lior Kaufman | Apr 7, 2023 min read

Streamline Your Data Onboarding with DBT Codegen package


In today’s data-driven world, dbt (data build tool) has become the go-to open-source transformation tool for turning raw data into actionable insights. In this post, we’ll explore dbt’s organized layer approach (staging, intermediate, and marts/final tables) and how automation can make onboarding new sources more efficient, using a real-life example from my own experience.

DBT: Data Transformation Done Right

DBT allows data engineers and analysts to perform complex data manipulations using a simple, maintainable, and version-controlled codebase. By treating data transformations as code, dbt enables teams to build modular, reusable, and testable data pipelines.

The Layered Approach: Staging, Intermediate, and Marts/Final Tables

Organizing data transformations into layers creates a clear and maintainable pipeline:

  1. Staging Layer: The first layer ingests raw data from various sources and lightly transforms it, creating a consistent schema for further transformations.
  2. Intermediate Layer: Here, data from the staging layer is further transformed into a structured format, involving complex calculations, aggregations, and business logic.
  3. Marts/Final Tables Layer: The final layer consists of well-defined, curated tables optimized for end-user consumption, answering specific business questions for reporting and analytics.

Automating Staging with DBT-Codegen: A Real-life Example

When onboarding DBT in my company, I initially onboarded five tables manually. Realizing I still had 30 more tables to onboard for the specific project I was working on, I knew there had to be a more efficient way. That’s when I discovered automation using dbt-codegen (https://github.com/dbt-labs/dbt-codegen) and found it significantly streamlined the process.

dbt-codegen provides macros that automate the staging layer creation, such as the generate_source macro, which generates YAML code for a source file.

Here is the official documentation from gitlab repo

Another useful macro provided by dbt-codegen is generate_base_model. This macro generates the SQL code for a base model (named stg_tablename) based on a source table, again here is the official documentation from the gitlab repo.

Using the Generate_Base_Model and Generate_Source Macros to Onboard Multiple Sources Efficiently

After onboarding 30 sources using the generate_base_model and generate_source macros, I decided to onboard even more sources. For my next project, I needed to onboard about 60 sources.

Although copy-pasting 60times is doable, I knew there had to be a more efficient approach. By utilizing two readily available CLI tools, sed and the > operator, I was able to save time and reduce manual work.

sed is a powerful stream editor for filtering and transforming text, while the > operator is used for output redirection, allowing you to save the output of a command to a file. By combining these two tools, I was able to run the generate_source command as follows:

dbt run-operation generate_source \  
  --args '{"schema_name": "schema_name", "database_name": "db_name"}' \  
  | sed '1d;2s/^.\{14\}//' \  
  > models/myfolder/sources.yml

The sed command here uses 1d to delete the first line of output, and 2s/^.\{14\}// to remove the first 14 characters from the beginning of the second line. This effectively eliminates the first line and a specific number of characters from the second line. Keep in mind that you may need to adjust the number of spaces or lines to remove based on your environment.

The output redirection operator (>) lets you create a file and save to it the output directly from the terminal. Using this 2 tools I did not even need to copy paste a the source file anymore.
Here is the generate_base_model commands I used.

dbt run-operation generate_base_model \  
  --args '{"source_name": "your_source_name", "table_name": "table_name"}' \  
  | sed '1,2d' \  
  > models/myfolder/stg_tablename.sql

I only had to remove the first 2 lines of the base models for each table, and while I could have manually used the same technique 60 times. I figured I could build a quick looping script to save me the manual work of changing the table name and the file name each time. Here is a template of the script I ended up writing:

for x in $(sed -n '5,$s/- name://p' models/myfolder/sources.yml) do   
dbt run-operation generate_base_model --args '{"source_name": "source_name", "table_name": '$x'}' \  
| sed 1,2d > models/myfolder/stg_$x.sql

Here’s a breakdown of what each part of the script does:

  1. for x in $(sed -n '5,$s/- name://p' models/myfolder/sources.yml); do \: This line iterates over the output of the sed command. The sed command extracts table names from the sources.yml file. It starts from the fifth line (5,) and goes until the end of the file ($). It looks for lines starting with - name: and removes the - name: prefix, printing only the table names. The for loop assigns each table name to the variable x and repeats the loop for each table name.
  2. dbt run-operation generate_base_model \: This line runs the generate_base_model macro, which generates the base model SQL code for the specified source and table name.
  3. --args '{"source_name": "your_source_name", "table_name": "'$x'"}' \: This line passes the source name and table name as arguments to the generate_base_model macro. The table name is set to the variable x from the loop.
  4. | sed 1,2d > models/myfolder/stg_$x.sql; \: This line pipes the output of the generate_base_model macro to another sed command, which removes the first two lines of the output (1,2d). The remaining output is then redirected to a new file named stg_$x.sql, where $x is the table name. This creates a new staging model file for each table in the sources.yml.

I hope this post was helpful for you in learning how to streamline the onboarding process of new data sources using dbt and some CLI tools.